Well, the idea of Brighton handbags is to design handbags with a message. Each unique design delivers a message to all bags and handbag lovers.
Year back in 1979, two high school sweethearts Jerry and Terri Kohl started to make men’s belt. 12 years later in 1991, the Brighton Company was established with a single collection of belts and it is a division of Leegin Creative Leather Products, Inc.
In 1993, handbags were added to the line when the Kohls realized that every women have to bring a handbag almost every time they go out. From there onwards, small leather goods, watches, jewelry, home accessories, eyewear, fragrances, engravable products, beauty products, and luggage were added to the line.
Brighton prides itself with the famous quotes “Brighton Difference,” which mainly want to bring the meaning that the difference is in the details.
Brighton Handbags
Although you may not be the fans among Brighton handbags, but you will have to admit that there are few things Brighton is really doing very well.
- Brighton’s message. The idea of delivering a message from bags to audience is unprecedented, whether it is a love notes engraved on a bracelet or handbags adorned with treasured photo. It just helps to create lasting memories. Isn’t Lady Gaga sends a message to her Japanese fans through her Hermes Birkin Handbags while she was in Japan?
- The Logo. Brighton’s best known for its heart logo which every handbag has a silver heart dangles on it. The reason why they choose to use heart shape is because the designers put their heart and soul into everything they do.
- Brighton from head to toe. It is hardly find a brand that feature products from head to toe but you can find it in Brighton. You can choose a fragrance that match with any Brighton handbags and shoes to create a Brighton’s look.
- House of Brighton. It seems Brighton is one of the few design houses that still remain the traditional way of creating a piece of wonderful art. Designers in Brighton designs and sketch each creation by hand and create the product from concept to culmination.
Where can I find Brighton Handbags?
Brighton Collectibles has got over 100 stores operating only in the United States from coast to coast and more than 6,000 boutiques across the world. You can find Brighton collections at some of the events like Brighton on the Road, Brighton Across America, and Brighton Week.
Visit some of the stores at Sherman Oaks, Ca, Escondido, Temecula, Riverside, Palm Desert, El Cajon, and Cherry Creek Mall.
If you wish to moonwalk the internet world, you are just a click away from the official websites at Brighton.com to check out the latest Brighton Handbags, accessories, watches, jewelry, footwear, and among others.
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