There are a few “La” handbags brands in the market including La Bella Donna, La Regale, and La Vie but you will definitely love the La Bagagerie handbags.
The Parisian fashion brand La Bagagerie was started in 1954. La Bagagerie started to make nice leather handbags and luggages since the ‘50s, and later on expanded to wallets, purses and some accessories until today. That’s what makes me trust and trust and trust in this brand when I think about handbags.
La Bagagerie Handbags
There are many handbags has been introduced to the fashion world since the ‘50s and I have never feel the design is out of date even when I look at the ‘80s La Bagagerie handbags. Today, you can find of nice La Bagagerie handbags, hobos, or totes from $150 to $250 dollars.
- La Bagagerie Handbags. La Bagagerie “Shop X” Black/Snake Nylon Small Tote, La Bagagerie “Etoile” Black Nylon Hobo Handbags, La Bagagerie “Shop N” Grey/Snake Nylon Tote, La Bagagerie “Road” Black/Snake Nylon Hobo, La Bagagerie “Bercy” Moca Nylon Messenger handbags, as well as La Bagagerie “Etoile” Grey Nylon Hobo Handbags in Silver color.
- La Bagagerie 2011 collections. La Bagagerie Galmour Mediterranien, La Bagagerie DÉSIR DE SÉDUIRE, La Bagagerie Baroque, La Bagagerie Retour Aux Sources, La Bagagerie LES INDISPENSABLES DE LA SAISON, La Bagagerie NATURE SAUVAGE, La Bagagerie MÉLANGE MIXTE, La Bagagerie Tendance Melange Mixte.
- La Bagagerie’s competitors or similar handbag brands: Juicy Couture, Liz Claiborne, and Jessica McClintock handbags.
Where can I buy La Bagagerie Handbags
You can find La Bagagerie handbags, clutches, hobos, totes, or wallets for sale easily in Paris. There are three La Bagagerie boutiques located at Paris at Rue Fbg St Honore, Rue Passy, as well as 3 Place lena. Alternatively, a good way to shop online is to go to La Bagagerie online stores at You can shop around the E Boutique and buy the latest on sales La Bagagerie handbags with discount.
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