Lockheart handbags are one of the handbag brands that lock my heart from other fashion handbags.
Jennifer Tash and Trang Huynh believe lightning can stike twice. After the rapid success with Isabella Fiore, Lockheart was founded in 2006. The name Lockheart came from Jennifer’s passionate and Trang’s spirit. “Follow your heart” to find the bags that best fits your hand is the mantra of both the founders.
Lockheart Handbags
Classical references, endless array of pockets, playful linings, and luxury in every part best describe Lockheart handbags. Lockheart handbag price range is in between $250 to $600.
- What handbag to buy? Lockheart has a nice range of handbags such as Lockheart Drawstring Zoey, Lockheart Gabrielle Pretzel, Lockheart Finge Emerson, Lockheart Madeline, Lockheart Marrakesh Taylor, the luxury Ruff And Tuff Marcie, and many more.
- Lockheart clutches and wallets. Lockheart In The Loop Ella Clutch, STU Lockheart, and Lockheart Pinwheel Continental Wristlet.
- Lockheart’s competitors: Brahmin Handbags and Be & D Handbags.
Where can I buy Lockheart Handbags
Whether is a shoulder bag, messenger bag, satchel, hobo, tote, handheld, wallet, or purse, one best way to buy Lockheart bags is to walk into their boutiques for its genuine goods. Lockheart boutiques are located at several cities. Lockheart bags are also available at major department stores and specialty boutiques in the U.S. and around the world. Alternatively, you can go to Lockheart official online stores at lockheart.com to check out the latest on sales Lockheart handbags, bags, and other collections.
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