This is not any designer handbags, it is just a cheap handbag that cost $10 dollar, yes $10 dollar. I bought it from a local store in Bangkok during my last trip to Thailand. The designer at the local store creates the bag and sells it to me for just $10 dollar. Can you believe that? Look at the photos and no one will ever believe it is so cheap.
The dimension of the handbag is 8” x 5” x 4”. It has got no brand, no name, and no tag on it, plainly just a bag. It is cheap and very practical. Inside the compartment is has another zip for smaller items.
There are also two small pockets at both side of the bag. That’s why I said it is a practical bag.
Inside the bag, it is big enough for girl accessories, car keys, earrings, iPhone or smartphone, and many many other items.
There is a small pocket inside! Can you believe all these for just $10 dollars? You will never get one in the U.S. This cheap handbag definitely made my day. Anyone need to buy one? I can courier to you 🙂