If you want to buy authentic Gucci handbags you will have to know how to identify authentic Gucci handbags and you must buy it at the right boutiques or online stores.
Authentic Gucci products including Gucci purses, Gucci totes, Gucci clutches, Gucci hobos, and Gucci handbags are 100% different from fake Gucci handbags. Fake Gucci handbags or used Gucci or second hand Gucci usually look different from new, check out some of the steps here on how to identify authentic and fake Gucci handbags.
Authentic Gucci Handbags
If you love handbags you will have to love the story of the brand as well as the particular features in every model. That’s one of the key to differentiate authentic Gucci handbags and fake Gucci handbags.
- Identify Gucci Logo. Real is real, fake is always fake. Fake Gucci logo on fake handbags usually soiled, dirty, or crooked. It usually not shining as the real one.
- Lining and craftsmanship of the bag. Lining is another thing for you to identify if it is a fake bag. Original and authentic Gucci bag fit neatly inside out and not be bunched up or sewn in carelessly. Fake bag’s lining usually is inferior.
- Quality of Zippers and Stitching. Inspect properly and you will find the authentic Gucci bags have very neat stitches because they are all hand made. Fake bags usually made of machines and mostly uneven and has large stitches.
- Quality of Leather. If you are new to handbags you may not expert to identify the quality of leather. However, the easiest way to know an original Gucci bag is to see the leather as in one piece. You can find a Gucci bag was stitched using few piece of leather.
- Gucci’s competitors or similar handbag brands: Coach handbags, Chanel handbags, Louis Vuitton handbags, Kenneth Cole handbags, Prada handbags, Hermes handbags, Burberry handbags, Michael Kors handbags, GUESS handbags, Marc Jacobs handbags, Fendi hanbags, and Dolce & Gabbana handbags.
Where to buy Authentic Gucci Handbags
Where to buy is very important. There are over 300 Gucci boutiques and Gucci stores stand firms in most of the happening cities including New York, London, Beijing, Tokyo, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Taipei, France, and among others. It is 100% authentic if you walk into any of them and purchase the bags. Buying Gucci handbags online no doubt is an easy way, but you have to make sure you buy from recognized dot com. Gucci official online stores at Gucci.com and some other famous fashion online stores like Zappos is where you can get authentic Gucci handbags online.
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