Would you like to buy Balenciaga handbags? I believe the answer will be “Yes” for most of the handbags lovers who loves chic style handbags.
Balenciaga was founded in 1914 by Cristobal Balenciaga who is a Spanish fashion designer. The fashion label was born in Spain originally and brought to the world by Cristobal Balenciaga since 1920s through couple of decades until today.
Balenciaga Handbags
If you ever visit Balenciaga stores you will know why the label is so dazzling. Stunning and outstanding best describe Balenciaga bags. In other words, if you carry Balenciaga handbags please do not feel weird why others lay their attention on your handbags.
Other than handbag collections, the label encompasses shoes, sunglasses, jacket, perfume, clothing, accessories, and many more fashion goods.
Balenciaga Handbags Price Range
Balenciaga handbags price range is various depending on the material, design, and seasons. Most of the handbag prices are from $1000 to $2000 dollars. A nice Balenciaga Velo handbag like the 224913 D94JT will cost around $1,445.00.
If you prefer black and white color, we recommend you to check out Balenciaga black white lattice. The design is simply elegant with only black and white color. Check out the Balenciaga Rouille City if you like something more simple but pleasing to the eye. Other than these two famous Balenciaga bags, you can try check out Balenciaga Giant, Balenciaga Sang, Balenciaga Lariat, Balenciaga First, Balenciaga Velo, Balenciaga First or Lizard-Embossed.
Celebrities who carry Balenciaga Handbags
Celebrities spotted with Balenciaga handbags are Victoria Beckham, Nicole Richie, Jessica Alba, Kim Kardashian, Sienna Miller, Hilary Duff, Alessandra Ambrosio, and many more. Other than handbags, these celebrities also spotted with Balenciaga clothing.
Balenciaga Handbags Stores
Visit Balenciaga outlets, Barneys New York, and Jeffrey New York to find out Balenciaga authentic goods.
Balenciaga’s competitors include Gucci handbags, Chanel handbags, Marc Jacobs handbags, Burberry handbags, Prada handbags, and Louis Vuitton handbags stores.
Alternatively, you can also land into the official Balenciaga online store at Balenciaga.com to check out latest Balenciaga handbags.
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