How to identify original or fake designer handbags on a woman’s hand? People once said among ten Louis Vuitton handbags found in China, nine are fake or replica. A good way to identify it is during raining day. What? Raining day? Yes it is. For many girls in Asia, an original Louis Vuitton or other designer handbags are expensive due to the import taxes and currency.
A girl with the salary of $3000 a month in theUSis affordable to buy a Louis Vuitton Speedy 25 top handles at the price of $750. Dollar for dollar, a girl with the salary of 3000 RMB ($475 dollar according to today’s rate) will find it hard to buy the Speedy 25 top handles at the price of 47000 RMB ($750). For the same situation, the girl who lives inChinawould have to work for 16 months without eating just for one witcheryLVhandbag. Now you see the reason why there are so many replicas or fake handbags outside ofEurope? One grade A replica designer handbag will cost only $30 to $50 dollars and that is affordable.
Although majority people are unable to afford the original designer handbags, there are still many enthusiasts who will go for the original. So how do we know? If the rain comes, a girl uses their handbag to protect them from rain water, that is FAKE! In other way round, if a girl use her body to protect the bag, that is ORIGINAL without a doubt!
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