We mentioned before Naraya handbags have four major things that make it a huge success – Variety, Quality, Functionality, and Pricing. These four things are the main reasons Naraya handbags is famous from Thailand to worldwide. The handbag on our shell today is the Naraya Blue Satin Handbags with three roses on each side. The most attractive thing about this Blue Satin handbag is the price tag that is less than $10 dollars. Yes! It is less than $10 dollars.
So, what is so nice about a $10 dollar handbag? The material used to build the handbag allows you to maintain it properly and keep it look brand new all the time. It is easy for cleaning and it always looks brand new if you store it properly in dust bags or in cabinet. Other than that, this bag is able to protect all the items inside the bag incase it touches water. What else is so wonderful about this bag? It is suitable for teenager girls, working women, or any girls who love blue handbags with roses!
A few times a year, I will travel few thousand miles to Thailand and I never miss the chance to walk into any Naraya stores in Bangkok. I have the absolute pleasure to purchase two or three Naraya handbags, purses or wallets as long as I am in the store! No matter where you put the bag, it will always leave you a great pleasure of owning one Naraya handbag.