There are Lucky Brand handbags, there are also a very nice collection called “Fortune Cookie” by the brand. Now here are three very attractive Lucky Brand Fortune Cookie handbags that we would like to share.
1. Lucky Brand Jeans “Lucky Hemp Fortune Cookie” Hobo
The Lucky Hemp Fortune Cookie hobo is made out of hemp, eco-friendly, and it is unquestionably a very hot item since it was launched. Unlike the typical shinning and bright handbag, this hobo skin is very solid and it still catches many people’s eye. That’s why we say it hot!
2. Lucky Brand Jeans Fortune Cookie Suede
The skin of the Fortune Cookie Suede is very soft and smooth. The designer must have thought that most of the girls like a roomy bag but they don’t like big handbag. This is it! The Suede doesn’t look big from outside but it is roomy and very comfortable to carry. It also featured a very nice wide opening and at the end there it has a very useful slip pocket for small stuff like accessories, car keys, or earrings. What is happy to know is that this bag costs less than $100 dollars in the market.
3. Lucky Brand Fortune Cookie Tote bag in Mulberry pebble-grain leather
Although this model has been discontinued by Lucky Brand, we still can’t forget about the uniqueness in this bag. This design has a unique fortune cookie exterior pocket for small stuffs. Roomy interior and need no worry about content inside because it has a magnetic closure, interior zipper, and slip pockets.
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