There are reasons you don’t buy Replica Louis Vuitton handbags. This is because they are no good at all except you just want to use it for awhile, I mean really awhile like less than two years. I bought this Louis Vuitton Trevi PM Damier Ebene Canvas handbag two years ago fromChina. It was brand new, smells like good leather, and shining when I hold it out from the stores.
I was happy because the price is only $220 dollars while an authentic one will cost me $2,040. Yes, that’s about ten times cheaper. Who doesn’t get attracted especially people who die for Louis Vuitton? The Trevi PM works pretty well for me. With the dimension of 13.39 x 9.45 x 5.91 inches, everything I need is fitted nicely into the bag including keys, earrings, and women accessories. There is also an internal patch pocket where I can keep more important items.
Now look at it after two years of having the bag. It smells stink! It melts! And it cannot be used anymore. Nothing is better than a nice and cheap handbag that cost just $10 dollars after two years in wardrobe.
An authentic Louis Vuitton Trevi PM (Image from
The seller told me that there are grades in replica designer handbags. Grade C which is worst grade cost $80 dollars. Grade B which is second grade cost $150 dollars. The one I bought is Grade A in replica handbags which have the best quality and it cost $220 dollars. From my experience, grade A give a lifespan of two years, grade B may just have a year? And grade C should live less than a year! Go for the authentic one if you have $2,040, don’t buy the replicas. There are no good at all.
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